DAL - Društvo arhitektov Ljubljana

Društvo arhitektov Ljubljana

Karlovška 3

SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija

t +386 1 252 79 30
f +386 1 252 79 31


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Letos spet vljudno vabljeni na drugi sklop predavanj v oviru projekta POVEZAVE,
ki naslavlja vidike poučevanja in prakse arhitekture in
bo v četrtek 20.10.2016 ob 19h v Plečnikovi predavalnici, Fakultete za Arhitekturo

POVEZAVE 2: TU Dunaj – FA Ljubljana 2016

Monument Preservation as a Theory of Practice
prof. Nott Caviezel

(Arhitekturna dediščina) Inštitut za Umetnostno zgodovino in arhitekturno dediščino, TU Dunaj

The Simultaneous Project / Synchrones Entwerfen
(A Methodological Approach to Practice and Teaching)

prof. Astrid Staufer in prof. Thomas Hasler
Oddelek Arhitektura / konstrukcija, Inštitut za Arhitekturo, TU Dunaj


prof. Nott Caviezel
Nott Caviezel, * 1953, Univ.Prof. Dr. phil. Studies in Art and Architectural History, Medieval History and Auxiliary Historical Sciences, 1983-1986 Co-Director of National Research Programme 16 "Methods for Conservation of Cultural Heritage", 1987-1995 Director of Society of Art History in Switzerland, since 1995 Research projects and lectureships at Universities of Lausanne and Berne, 2001-2011 Editor-in-Chief of the Swiss Architectural Journal "werk, bauen + wohnen", since 2005 Member and since 2009 President of the Swiss Federal Commission for Monument Preservation, 2012 appointment as a Full Professor holding the chair of "Denkmalpflege und Bauen im Bestand" (Monument Preservation and Building within Existing Structures).

prof. Astrid Staufer in prof. Thomas Hasler

Prof. Astrid Staufer
Born in 1963 in Lausanne, lives in Zurich. 1989 Architecture Diploma at the ETH Zurich. Worked in the studio Meili, Peter in Zurich. Established her own practice with Thomas Hasler in Frauenfeld in 1994. 1995-96 assistant to the Chair of Professor Flora Ruchat, then lecturer and director of the Institute for Constructive Design at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). 2002-04 guest lecturer for architecture at the ETH Zurich together with Thomas Hasler, from 2007 Professor at the EPFL Lausanne, and since 2011 Professor at the TU Vienna. Since 2009 President of the editorial board of Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, since 2014 member of the architectural board of the city of Zurich. 2015 Winner of the Swiss Grand Award for Art / Prix Meret Oppenheim. Publishes on the work of the Milan architect Luigi Caccia Dominioni, amongst other topics.

Prof.Thomas Hasler
Born in 1957 in Uzwil, lives in Frauenfeld. 1974-85 basic trainig (carpentry, technical collage). 1989 Architecture Diploma at the ETH Zurich. Worked in the Studio of Professor Bruno Reichlin, assistant to Eraldo Consolascio at the ETH Zurich. 1990-97 dissertation on Rudolf Schwarz at the ETH Zurich, in parallel with teaching assistence to Marcel Meili and Markus Peter. Established his own practice with Astrid Staufer in Frauenfeld in 1994. 1999-2000 guest professor at the University of Geneva. 2002-04 guest lecturer for architecture at the ETH Zurich together with Astrid Staufer. Since 2007 Professor at the EPFL Lausanne and since 2011 Professor at the TU Vienna. 2015 Winner of the Swiss Grand Award for Art / Prix Meret Oppenheim. Publishes on the work of the German church architect Rudolf Schwarz, amongst other topics.

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Društvo arhitektov Ljubljana

Karlovška 3

SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija

t +386 1 252 79 30
f +386 1 252 79 31


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